Family Yoga Continued in March! Located at The Fitness Edge in Meredith, NH Classes held on Saturdays in March: 3/3, 3/9, 3/16, 3/23 & 3/30 Ages: 2-6 years old with parent/caregiver Time: 10:15-11:00am
To register, call The Fitness Edge at: 603-279-0411
Tween & Teen Yoga (1x per month) When: Sunday 1/14/2024 Time: 4:00-5:00pm Ages: 9-14 years old Location: Sandwich Town Hall, NH (upstairs) Cost: $15 per person What to bring:Yoga mat, water bottle, and wear comfortable clothing that allows you to move around easily
Family Yoga (1x per month) When: Saturday, 1/20/2024 Time: 10:00-10:45am Ages: 2-6 years old with parent or caregiver Location: Sandwich Town Hall Cost: $12 per family What to bring:Yoga mat, water bottle, and wear comfortable clothing that allows you to move around easily
To Register for Classes:
Please pre-register by emailing: [email protected]and in the subject line write YOGA. Include you or your child's name, age, and if there are any physical limitations or injuries. Drop-ins also welcome.
Payment: Venmo @Kasia-Beznoska ahead of time, or cash/check
These are fee-based classes. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds.
Family Yoga
children ages 2-6 years old (with parent or caregiver in attendance) Let’s play yoga! Classes offer an opportunity of playful connections for families, music, movement, yoga games, and a story. Children are able to explore active ways to connect their breath with movement, and nurturing ways to calm the body and rest. Classes are typically 45 minutes.
Tween & Teen Yoga
tweens & teens ages 9-14 years old Being a kid in this fast-paced, over-scheduled world can be stressful! In these classes, children will learn yoga poses, partner poses, and engage in team-building activities. They will also explore breathing techniques for both invigorating their minds and finding inner quiet. Journaling, mindfulness, creative art, and movement games will also be included. Classes are typically 45-60 minutes.
Yoga, Mindfulness & Nature Art Workshops
children ages 8-13 years old These workshops include yoga, games, learning about mindfulness, practicing breathing techniques to invite a sense of inner calmness, and exploring art using natural materials founds in nature. Classes may include conversations about friendship, bullying, respect, consent, and kindness. Workshops are typically 75-90 minutes.
Yoga and Mindfulness In Schools
Are you interested in offering yoga and mindfulness for students in your school? Yoga for teachers on a teacher workshop day to promote self-care? Or perhaps you are interested in offering professional development for your staff rooted in Mindfulness Education? I've got you covered! Let's connect. All classes and workshops are tailored to meet the specific needs of students and staff.
Private Group or 1:1 Yoga Classes At Your Home
Looking for some summer fun for your child? Invite a group of their friends over for outdoor yoga and games! We will spend 1 hour playing movement games, learning yoga poses, and more. Classes can be tailored to suit each groups interests and needs. Adults do not need to participate in these classes, but do need to be present at home during class. Group classes are for children ages 4+ years old.
Or, if you're looking for something more personal for your family, we can plan a private family yoga class! Family yoga classes are for all ages. Classes are 60 minutes.
Mindful Kids Revolution MKR is a way of living. The world needs more change-makers; more independent thinkers and children who stand tall in their beliefs. Mindful Kids Revolution promotes interconnectedness, and learning through an anti-bias lens. Mindfulness is interwoven throughout all of the Growing With Yoga classes, which in turn means your child is part of the MKR movement!
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